“Electrical schemes for homes and offices were designed more than 120 years ago, when there was no awareness of the damage that power generation causes to our environment. We could question paying that high price to generate the energy necessary to live in the modern world, but we consider it inexcusable to produce such damage to generate energy that will later be wasted, without any sense and by ourselves”.
Lumaa System
Lumaa has taken an important step towards the evolution of electrical systems of commercial offices, schools, public buildings and homes, and has developed a system of switches and power outlets that allows users to save 100% of the energy consumed unnecessarily. It is an effective tool that can be adapted to any electrical installation and requires everyone’s effort and commitment to produce the best results.
Commercial Offices, Schools and Public Buildings
In this type of building we can find a lot of devices that consume energy both when we use them and when we don’t. For example a Hot & Cold Water Dispenser that consumes 100w/h all week long. Also wifi routers, among others, that consumes 35w/h even if nobody is there.
And the list, in this type of building, seems endless. There are monitors, CPUs, Network switches, Servers, Printers, Scanners, Audio Systems, Projectors, etc.
The problem with this is the difficulty of removing all these devices from the electrical current when we are not going to use it and reconnecting them when we do need them. That’s why we developed Lumma. Our devices are responsible for doing that job efficiently and easily.
Open from Monday to Friday from 10 am. at 6:00 p.m.
40 hours of activity
of the time
A commercial office is closed and consuming energy in a completely unnecessary way, while no activity is carried out in its facilities.
Weekly average for a commercial office
128 hours closed
Unnecessary consumption in lighting
It is very common to observe, in areas of office buildings, several floors with the lights fully on because someone had to stay to work after hours. It can also be seen, very frequently, that when the cleaning staff is performing their tasks, the entire plant must remain with the lights on while each office or box is conditioned.
This is mainly due to the fact that the luminaires, in office buildings, are controlled together or collectively through a central panel. This makes difficult the segmentation or the individual shutdown. For this reason, a lot of energy is consumed in a totally unnecessary way. Furthermore, the current control scheme is only adequate when 100% of the personnel is in their workplace simultaneously. As long as there are empty offices and their lights turned on, there will be unnecessary energy consumption.

When we are at work, we usually leave our home with the Internet box, TV box, and router running for over 8 hours without anyone using them. The combined consumption of these three devices is 60w/h. Only this can represents 5% of the total energy consumed in a home. Something similar happens when we are resting.
The only widespread solution so far is to ask people to unplug all the electrical devices in their homes when they are not being used and turn off all the lights in rooms where there is no one, but this is usually very impractical. and difficult to carry out.

Zero Carbon Footprint

Due to the extremely low consumption of the devices, the entire system is powered through a small solar panel making it completely self-sufficient, and its operation does not generate any carbon footprint.
This means that each electrical device that the system disconnects or each light that the system turns off represents a saving of 100% of the energy that they were consuming.